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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Blog Post 5: My Target Audience

Investigating the "fun-loving 16-25 year old" audience specified by the brief is important to my understanding of the market I am producing these products for, and will help in maximising their appeal.
To research my target audience, I conducted a survey which produced 31 responses from people within this age range.
Here it is clear that online and streaming services have taken 
over how people listen to music nowadays

My target audience gains escapist pleasures from the ability of music to allow them to escape into an atmosphere. It's also a powerful means of cheering them up and distracting them from their troubles. Pop is also often used to enhance social gatherings such as at parties, where my TA like to dance to the loud and pumping, upbeat tone of conventional pop

We can see here again the shift in the music industry - most of my TA don't spend money on their music anymore, rather they listen to it for free on YouTube (with the added value of a music video) or pay for music subscription services. It's also clear here that concerts and shows are a good source of revenue - no matter how advanced the internet becomes nothing can match the experience of a live concert seeing and hearing your favourite artists on stage in front of you and dancing along with a huge crowd of like-minded fans
Conducting this research has made me see the reasons why my TA engage with pop music, and what avenues of monetisation I should focus on. This will greatly influence my website design and choices around packaging and representation of star persona. I find it particularly interesting that my audience listens to music for escapism and creating an atmosphere, therefore I will bring those ideas to my music video, which I hope will have an atmospheric and colourful diegesis that will gratify those audience needs. In terms of listening habits and monetisation, my TA mainly listens through streaming services, so the link to the song on Spotify will be prominent on my website and promoted on social pages. In addition, I will push the buying of live tour tickets through promotions, a charity deal and a competition.

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